
A gratitude letter for my mom…




Thank you for bringing me into this world. I owe my life to you and I do not think I ever said thank you for this and for so many other things. You are no longer here with us but I feel your presence every day of my life. Thank you for being so generous, happy, talkative, caring and for teaching me and my sisters how to be open-minded and generous human beings. Thank you for giving your life for us and for going through so much to make sure we had what we needed.


When I moved to the U.S. 21 years ago, it never crossed my mind that I could lose you one day. I guess I lived the life where you think people you love will always be there. Unfortunately, life does not go that way. Now I know that. The last time I saw you back in 2003, you gave me a necklance saying it was meant to protect me. I still have it. Had I known that would have been our last time, I would have done so many things differently. I would, most of all, have said thank you. Thank you for putting up with me in times when I did not appreciate you. Thank you for always giving me love even though I was disrespectufl and ugly to you. I did not know any better. I was young and stupid as they say.


Thank you for giving what you had and did not have. Now that I have my own kids I have a better understanding of what you must have gone through. Gosh, you had five girls and I am here trying to do my best with three. I have no idea how you did it. All I know is you did the best you could with what you had and for that I am forever grateful.ย We did not have much growing up but even though we did not have posessions, we were happy.


I got the happy attitude from you. I definitely got the talking to everyone from you. I remember you used to talk to everybody. You were always the life of any party. Oh yes, you used to love parties. You were always the first one to volunteer to make cakes and pastries for all our school events. You always brought people together. I got that from you. Now I see this is a talent and I have it. Thank you for teaching me to treat people with kindness regardless of their background, ethnicity or social class. Thank you for teaching me how to eat right and how to take care of my health. You used to say that health is the one thing you cannot get back when you lose it. You were so right. There is so much to thank you for. So much I wish I could have said. I know, in my heart, you know all this.


If you were here today, I would give you the biggest hug and apologize for my bad behavior as a teenager and as a young adult. I would say thank you for your sacrifices and for all that you taught me and that I teach my kids today. You would have loved to meet my kids. They are amazing! Thank you for teaching me to be a mother. I wish you could have been here to guide me and to meet your grandchildren.


Thank you for giving me life and for teaching me how to live it. I miss you!


With all my love and gratitude,






Simone Santos

I am Brazilian by birth, American by heart! I created Cool N Chic with the intent of spreading the message that we are all "cool" in our own and authentic ways. Cool N Chic was created to bring people of all backgrounds together through mindfulness, self-development, healthy living and the desire to be fearlessly authentic. Even though I created this blog, it is not mine. It is ours and I welcome you, your wisdom and your energy.

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