
A gratitude letter for my sister Lilian…

Dear Lili,

Thank you for being the best baby sister I could have asked for. We are ten years apart and even though I took care of you when you were a baby, you are the one always making sure I am doing ok now. Thank you for being so caring, wise, patient, loving, and one of my best friends. Thanks for always listening to me and helping me understand how to best proceed with my life. 

I am so grateful for all that I have learned with you. I am grateful for your friendship and for our ability to remain close even though we are four thousand miles away. Thank you for always making time to talk to me, listen to my WhatsApp messages and always tell me what I need to hear. Many times it is not what I want to hear but I appreciate your candor and honesty. I cannot imagine my life without you. I love you more than words can express and I am so grateful to call you my sister.

I remember taking care of you when you were only seven days old. I was always so grateful to have you in my life. You were my little doll and caring for you, even though I was really young, was one of the best things I remember doing as a kid. As you got older, you became closer and closer to me. I loved that. I am so grateful for the loving reltionship that we have today. I am also grateful that you took almost a year off to live with me to help me take care of Lucas when he was born. It was wonderful having you here with us. I do not know what I would have done without your help, your presence and your attention.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for always being there for me and for always worrying about my well-being. Thanks for loving my kids as if they were your own. Thanks for all the wisdom you share with me. Thanks for loving me for who I am and for understanding my choices, even though sometimes you do not agree with them. Thanks for respecting me.

I love you and I cannot wait to see you again. If you were here right now, I would give you the biggest hug and would not let you go.

With all my love and gratitude,



Simone Santos

I am Brazilian by birth, American by heart! I created Cool N Chic with the intent of spreading the message that we are all "cool" in our own and authentic ways. Cool N Chic was created to bring people of all backgrounds together through mindfulness, self-development, healthy living and the desire to be fearlessly authentic. Even though I created this blog, it is not mine. It is ours and I welcome you, your wisdom and your energy.

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