
A gratitude letter for Scot Safon…

Dear Scot,

Thank you for positively affecting my professional life in ways you cannot even imagine. You were my Chief Marketing Officer at CNN in 2008. I learned so much from you professionally and I would not be the professional I am today had it not been for your influence, guidance and mentorship. Thank you for being one of the coolest people I have ever met!

Thank you for being such a hands on executive and for always being around the department to guide us and show us the way. With you I learned what it is to be a true marketer. More than that, I learned how to look at demographics and target people based on the tribes they belong. This has helped me so much in the world of web analytics. Thank you for being the person I look up to when I think of a successful person. Thank you for being the type of person who always treated people with respect and listened to their ideas regardless of their title. I have the upmost admiration for you.

Thank you for allowing me to spend time with your department when you were the CMO at The Weather Channel. At that time I was looking for a job and being around you and your team was a great experience. I know we have not worked together in six years but your teachings are still with me. As I transition into a new leadership position, of course you came to mind. I wish I can be as good of a manager as you were and I hope I can inspire the ones under me as much as you inspired me. Thank you for the lessons and thank you for believing in me.

With all my gratitude,



Simone Santos

I am Brazilian by birth, American by heart! I created Cool N Chic with the intent of spreading the message that we are all "cool" in our own and authentic ways. Cool N Chic was created to bring people of all backgrounds together through mindfulness, self-development, healthy living and the desire to be fearlessly authentic. Even though I created this blog, it is not mine. It is ours and I welcome you, your wisdom and your energy.

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