
healthy living

woman wearing gray long sleeved shirt and black black bottoms outfit sitting on gray wooden picnic table facing towards calm body of water at daytime
Let me go ahead and say it, 2020 is the best year of our lives! Now, hold on. I know what you are thinking. Is she crazy? Has she lost her mind? You see, it’s all a matter of perspective. If you stop and think, a lot of our dreams have come true this year. Thing is, we were not ready for all of them to come true at t
Around the web lately I’ve seen this topic around self-improvement being toxic. That personal development causes people to strive to be their best self but really leaves them unhappy. Well, as someone who heavily writes about personal development, is on their own forever journey of personal development, and lives by the
A gratitude letter for Luciana Garcia… Lu, Thank you so much for being one of the most positive people I know. It is always wonderful being around you. Thank you for being this beam of light in my life and anyone who gets close to you. Thank you for your wisdom and your love for teaching people how to be healthy. Tha
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